Real HPV Cure


Cure's HPV, Bowen's Disease, Genital Warts , CIN( Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia), VIN( Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia), PIN(Penile Intraepithelial Neoplasia).




About Obinaquine

You can fizzle out genital warts with the Obinaquine Application Gel in under two weeks of treatment. Douching with the gel will eradicate the virus from the vagina/cervical cavity within 10 days. It requires no surgery, no cutting, and no bleeding.

When you do the common things in life especially in medicine in an uncommon way, you will definitely command the attention of the world.


What is HPV?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a viral infection that is passed between people through skin-to-skin contact. There are more than 100 varieties of HPV, 40 of which are passed through sexual contact and can affect your genitals, mouth, or throat.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection that affects both men and women. It’s so common that most sexually active people will get some variety of it at some point, even if they have few sexual partners.

When the virus doesn’t go away on its own, it can cause serious health problems. These include genital warts and warts in the throat (known as recurrent respiratory papillomatosis). HPV can also cause cervical cancer and other cancers of the genitals, head, neck, and throat.

What is Bowen Disease?

bowen disease

Bowen's disease, also known as squamous cell carcinoma in situ is a neoplastic skin disease. It can be considered as an early stage or intraepidermal form of squamous cell carcinoma. It was named after John T. Bowen.

The exact cause of Bowen disease is unknown. Chronic sun exposure and aging are believed to be two major risk factors for developing the disorder. Individuals with fair skin and individuals who spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun are at a greater risk of developing Bowen disease. Individuals who take drugs to suppress the immune system (usually taken to treat an immune system disorder) are also at a greater risk than the general population of developing Bowen disease. Individuals who have cutaneous human papillomavirus (HPV) infection are at risk of developing Bowen disease. Human papilloma viruses are a group of more than 150 related viruses, some of which can cause cancer. HPV 16, 18, 34, and 48 have caused Bowen disease at genital sites. HPV 16 is most commonly associated with the development of Bowen disease. HPV 16 is also the cause of some cases of cervical cancer. Less often, HPV types 2, 16, 34, and 35 are associated with Bowen disease in areas of the body other than the genitals. Chronic exposure to arsenic appears to be a risk factor for the development of Bowen disease as well. Arsenic is a tasteless, colorless metal element. Arsenic has many uses in manufacturing and other commercial uses. According to the medical literature, chronic exposure to arsenic can cause Bowen disease, approximately 10 years or so after initial exposure. In the past, arsenic was known to have contaminated well water and was once used in various medical preparations. Arsenic exposure occurs far less often today than it did in the past.